Saturday, May 28, 2011


--I can b myself when i'm wif u
--bcoz u make me feel like, like, like i have never felt before.
--Thinking of u, fills me wit a wonderful feeling.
--Every time i look at u, my heart misses a beat
--u're my theme for a dream.
--I love to hear ur voice.
--u always make me feel that u are by my side no matter what.
--I love the way u keep ur cool when I do something stupid.
And, of-course, u are my mr.right,coz u are good enough to fall in love wif me~~~

tRouble in swEeTness~~~~


aip lme giler3 xtlis blog ni..cyan die....xtr-update ak haa...sorry ye yunk!!
hehe..pape pon...thun ni laen ckt kot..rjin la ckit...dh tgh2 thun ni haa...cbuk nk LJM plak..
sblom ak jwb LJM tu 6t..ak still ade bnde y mushkill sal blogging ni haaa....
1 ) org ckp tulis blog guna short form xok...npew yer...
2 ) asal org laen asyk updated yer ek???(mslhnye ak kot..hihihi)
3 ) cmne la org dpt carik2 y updated lg cuted tuk blog diorng....hummmmm(pkir smbil garu kple....)
haa itu la benda alah yang buat aku alah betol la nak blogging ni...
blog ni pon tercipta sebab kawan2 yang support....ala2 tunjuk ajarku sifu...haaa lebih kurang la kiranya kutahu la...aku pon nk start try tulis full words or sentences la kan...huhuhuu...mesti carca marba jadinye..dah selalu sangat short form kalau ade bahasa yang tak paham or huruf2 yang tertinggal tu maaf la yer..hehe...saya budak baru belajar,kalau salah jangan marah aaaa~~~~huhuhu... 
so jadinye la kan cam banyak pulak benda nak di cerita haa....
check it out laa...hehehe ^_^****